Another Word For Illusion

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The word "illusion" refers to a false impression or deceptive appearance, where something seems to be different from what it actually is. It can occur in various contexts, such as visual perception (like optical illusions), ideas, or beliefs that mislead people about reality.




The word "illusion" comes from the Latin word "illusio," which means "a mocking" or "deception." It is derived from the verb "illudere," meaning "to deceive" or "to play with."


  1. The magician's act was full of clever illusions that amazed the audience.
  2. She realized that the idea of a perfect relationship was just an illusion.
  3. The shimmering heat waves on the asphalt created an illusion of water in the distance.
  4. The painting gave an illusion of depth that drew viewers into the scene.
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