Another Word For Heist

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The word "heist" refers to a theft or robbery, specifically one that is considered to be elaborate or planned. It often involves stealing valuable items, such as money or jewelry, through methods that may include breaking and entering, deception, or other criminal tactics. In popular culture, heists are frequently depicted as exciting and adventurous events.




The term "heist" is believed to have originated in the early 20th century in American slang, possibly derived from the Yiddish word "heist," which means "to steal." Its usage became more widespread and accepted in the context of organized crime and theft.


  1. The police are investigating a daring heist that took place last night at the downtown jewelry store.
  2. The movie follows a team planning the ultimate heist to steal a priceless painting from a high-security museum.
  3. After the successful heist, the criminals spent their time hiding out in a remote cabin to avoid capture.
  4. The infamous bank heist of 1987 is still talked about as one of the most flawless operations in history.
  5. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the news about the elaborate heist pulled off by a group of thieves in broad daylight.

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