Another Word For Groping around

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The phrase "groping around" refers to the act of searching for something in a tentative or uncertain manner, often using the hands to feel for it when visibility is poor or when the searcher is unsure of where to find it. It can also metaphorically describe a situation where someone is trying to find answers or make decisions without clear guidance or understanding.




The term "groping" comes from the Old English word "grapan," which means "to seize" or "to grasp." Over time, it evolved to encompass not just a physical action but also a metaphorical sense of seeking or exploring in an uncertain or awkward manner.


  1. As the lights went out, he started groping around for his phone to call for help.
  2. She felt like she was groping around in the dark when trying to understand the complex topic without any prior knowledge.
  3. After the earthquake, everyone was groping around to make sure their loved ones were safe.
  4. The kitten was groping around the room, trying to find its favorite toy hidden under the couch.