Another Word For Orifice

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The word "orifice" refers to an opening or a hole, particularly one that leads to a cavity or a passage within a biological organism or an object. For example, in anatomy, an orifice could be a mouth, nostril, or any other opening in the body that allows substances to enter or exit.




The word "orifice" comes from the Latin word "orificium," which is derived from "or-" meaning "to speak" or "to open" and "ficium" meaning "making" or "doing." This gives a sense of it being an "opening" or a "making of an opening."


  1. The doctor explained that the orifice of the ear canal is important for hearing.
  2. During the examination, the technician noted that the orifice of the valve was clogged.
  3. The design of the machine included several small orifices to allow better airflow.
  4. It is essential to keep the orifice in the fountain clear to ensure a steady flow of water.

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