Another Word For Wax and wane

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"Wax and wane" is an idiomatic expression that describes something that increases and decreases in size, strength, or intensity over time. It is often used in reference to the phases of the moon, where "waxing" means it is growing larger and "waning" means it is getting smaller. The phrase can also apply to various situations, such as trends, moods, or fortunes that fluctuate over periods.




The term "wax" in this context comes from Old English weaxan, meaning "to grow," while "wane" comes from the Old English wanian, meaning "to decrease." The phrase combines these two concepts to depict a cyclical pattern of growth and decline.


  1. The stock market tends to wax and wane dramatically, making it difficult to predict future trends.
  2. Her interest in painting seemed to wax and wane, with some years being very productive and others lacking motivation.
  3. The popularity of fashion trends often waxes and wanes depending on cultural influences.
  4. In nature, the tides rise and fall, appearing to wax and wane throughout the lunar cycle.