Another Word For Trustworthiness

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Trustworthiness refers to the quality of being reliable, dependable, and deserving of trust. It describes someone or something that can be counted on to act in an honest and ethical manner. When a person is considered trustworthy, others feel confident in their decisions and actions.




The word "trustworthiness" is derived from the root word "trust," which comes from the Old Norse word "traust," meaning "confidence" or "strong." The suffix "-worthiness" adds the sense of being worthy of the quality described, thus denoting the characteristic of being trustworthy.


  1. Her trustworthiness was evident when she returned the money she found on the ground.
  2. In business, trustworthiness is crucial for building lasting relationships with clients.
  3. It's important to evaluate someone's trustworthiness before sharing personal information with them.
  4. The trustworthiness of a source can greatly affect the credibility of the information provided.