Another Word For Substance

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The word "substance" refers to the material or matter that something is made of. It can also imply the essential meaning, importance, or essence of something. For example, in science, it can refer to a particular type of matter with constant chemical composition, while in discussion, it might indicate the core idea or significant content of an argument or topic.




The word "substance" comes from the Middle English "substaunce," which is derived from the Old French "substance," and from the Latin "substantia," meaning "being" or "essence," which is formed from "substare," meaning "to stand firm or support."


  1. Water is a clear, colorless substance essential for life.
  2. The report lacked substance and did not provide any valuable information.
  3. In chemistry class, we learned about different substances and their properties.
  4. During the debate, one speaker had much more substance in their argument than the other.
  5. The artist believed that the emotional substance of their work was more important than the technique used.
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