Another Word For Shrug

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The word "shrug" refers to the action of raising and lowering one's shoulders, usually to indicate a lack of knowledge, concern, or indifference about something. It can also signify uncertainty or the idea of not being bothered by something.




The word "shrug" comes from the Old English word "scrygan," which means to "scrunch" or "to hunch." Its usage has evolved over time, and it has entered the modern English language as a verb to describe the physical action of raising one's shoulders.


  1. When asked whether she wanted to play soccer or basketball, Mia simply shrugged, indicating she didn't have a preference.
  2. He shrugged off the criticism, showing that he wasn't bothered by what others thought.
  3. The teacher raised her eyebrows and shrugged when asked about the homework assignment, suggesting it was optional.
  4. After reading the confusing instructions, Jake just shrugged and decided to try it his own way.
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