Another Word For Sleek

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The word "sleek" is an adjective that describes something that is smooth, glossy, or having an elegant and polished appearance. It can refer to surfaces, like the coat of an animal or a car's finish, that are shiny and free from roughness or imperfections. Additionally, "sleek" can describe a style that is sophisticated and well-designed.




The word "sleek" originates from the Old Norse word "slekkr," which means "smooth, slippery." It has evolved in the English language to retain its connotation of elegance and smoothness.


  1. The sleek design of the new smartphone makes it very appealing to consumers.
  2. The cat’s sleek fur glistened in the sunlight as it lounged on the windowsill.
  3. He wore a sleek black suit that highlighted his professional image.
  4. The sports car had a sleek exterior, making it stand out on the road.
  5. Her hair was styled in a sleek updo for the formal event.