Another Word For Rattle

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The word "rattle" can be used as both a verb and a noun. As a verb, it means to make a series of sharp, quick sounds or to cause someone to feel nervous or confused. For instance, if you shake a container filled with small objects, it creates a rattling sound. As a noun, "rattle" refers to a device or object that creates such a sound, like a baby's toy.




The word "rattle" originates from the Middle English "ratlen," which is from Old English "ratlian," meaning to make a noise like a rattling sound. The concept has been linked to similar sounds in various languages that denote a similar idea of shaking or noise-making.


  1. The earthquake caused the windows to rattle violently.
  2. The loud noise from the construction site could rattle even the calmest person.
  3. She played with the baby’s rattle, which kept her entertained for hours.
  4. The sudden news rattled him, making it difficult for him to concentrate on the meeting.
  5. He had a rattle in his car that was annoying during every drive.