Another Word For Rejoice

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The word "rejoice" means to feel or show great joy or delight. It is an expression of happiness, often in response to something positive or uplifting that has happened. When you rejoice, you may celebrate, express your happiness vocally, or display your joy in other ways.




The word "rejoice" comes from the Old French "rejoïr," which means to "make joyful." This, in turn, has its origins in the Latin word "regociare," where "re-" means "again" and "gaudere" means "to rejoice."


  1. We all rejoiced when our team won the championship.
  2. She could hardly contain her joy as she rejoiced at the news of her promotion.
  3. The community gathered to rejoice in the festival of lights.
  4. He rejoiced in the presence of his friends and family during the celebration.

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