Another Word For Propensity

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The word "propensity" refers to a natural tendency or inclination to behave in a certain way or to have a particular characteristic. For example, if someone has a propensity for kindness, it means they often act kindly and have a natural inclination to be helpful to others.




The word "propensity" comes from the Latin word "propensitas," which means "a being inclined or disposed." The root "propensi-" is derived from "propendere," meaning "to hang forward" or "to lean towards."


  1. She has a propensity for picking up new languages quickly.
  2. His propensity to procrastinate often results in missed deadlines.
  3. Many children have a propensity for curiosity, always asking questions about the world around them.
  4. The study identified a propensity among consumers to prefer eco-friendly products.
  5. Despite his propensity for jokes, he knew when to be serious in difficult situations.
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