Another Word For Prioritize

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The word "prioritize" means to arrange or deal with things in order of importance. When you prioritize, you decide which tasks or responsibilities are most crucial and should be focused on first, often to effectively manage your time or resources.




The word "prioritize" comes from the Latin word "prior," meaning "earlier" or "first," combined with the suffix "-ize," which implies to make or to act in a certain way. The term evolved in English usage in the mid-20th century.


  1. As a student, it's essential to prioritize your assignments to meet deadlines effectively.
  2. The company needs to prioritize customer satisfaction to retain its client base.
  3. When planning a project, it's important to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and significance.
  4. She decided to prioritize her health by scheduling regular exercise and cooking nutritious meals.

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