Another Word For Plunder

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The word "plunder" means to steal goods or valuables, especially by force, in a time of war or civil disorder. It often implies taking things violently and unlawfully, resulting in loss to the owner.




The word "plunder" comes from the German word "plündern," which means to rob or pillage. It entered the English language in the late 16th century and has been used to describe the act of stealing during conflict or chaos.


  1. The soldiers decided to plunder the town after defeating the enemy.
  2. Stories from history often recount how armies would plunder cities as they marched through enemy territory.
  3. He was charged with plundering the stores during the riot, taking advantage of the chaos.
  4. The pirates plundered countless ships as they sailed the high seas.
  5. After the earthquake, reports surfaced of gangs plundering abandoned stores.