Another Word For Morphology

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Morphology is the branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of organisms, including their parts and the relationships between them. It can also refer to the study of the structure of words in linguistics, which examines how words are built from smaller units called morphemes. In essence, morphology focuses on how shape and structure relate to function in living things and language.




The word "morphology" comes from the Greek words "morphē," meaning "form" or "shape," and "logia," which means "study" or "discourse." Therefore, it essentially means the study of form.


  1. The morphology of the butterfly's wings can reveal much about its evolution and adaptation.
  2. In linguistics, understanding the morphology of a language is crucial to grasping its grammatical structure.
  3. The scientists published a paper on the morphology of different species of plants found in that region.
  4. Studying the morphology of fossils helps paleontologists understand ancient life forms.
  5. In language acquisition, children go through stages where they intuitively grasp the morphology of their native tongue.

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