Another Word For Impiety

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Impiety refers to a lack of reverence or respect towards something regarded as sacred, especially in the context of religion. It denotes an irreverent attitude towards religious beliefs and practices, and can manifest as open disrespect or disregard for sacred traditions.




The word "impiety" comes from the Latin "impietas," where "in-" means "not" and "pietas" means "piety" or "devotion." The root "pietas" is related to duty, loyalty, and reverence, thus forming a contrast with "impiety."


  1. His impiety shocked the members of the congregation, who expected a greater level of respect for their beliefs.
  2. The character in the novel was often criticized for his impiety, especially during the ceremony meant to honor the gods.
  3. The debate centered around whether the artist's work was an act of impiety or a form of freedom of expression.

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