Another Word For Dowsing

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Dowsing is a practice that involves using a forked stick, metal rod, or some other device to locate underground water, minerals, or other hidden things. It is often associated with supernatural abilities, as practitioners believe they can tap into a natural energy or intuition to find what they seek. While some people believe in its efficacy, scientific studies have shown that dowsing lacks empirical support and is generally regarded as a pseudoscience.




The word "dowsing" is believed to have originated in the 16th century. It may derive from the term "douse," which means to plunge into water or to extinguish, possibly reflecting the practice's link to discovering water sources. The exact origins are somewhat unclear due to the folk nature of the practice.


  1. The farmer called in a dowser to find the best location for a well on his property.
  2. During the festival, there was a workshop on dowsing, where participants learned how to use Y-shaped rods to locate groundwater.
  3. Many villagers relied on dowsing techniques passed down through generations to find hidden springs in the area.

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