Another Word For Ignorance is bliss

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The phrase "ignorance is bliss" suggests that not knowing certain things can lead to happiness. It implies that sometimes, being unaware of troubling facts or harsh realities can shield us from worry and stress. In other words, if we don’t know about something negative, we won't be affected by it.




The phrase "ignorance is bliss" originated in the 18th century and is often attributed to the English poet Thomas Gray, who wrote in "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College" (1742): "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." It reflects the idea that sometimes wisdom and knowledge can bring about distress rather than happiness.


  1. After hearing bad news about the economy, she said, "Sometimes I think ignorance is bliss; I was much happier before I found out."
  2. He lived a carefree life, believing that ignorance is bliss until reality hit him hard.
  3. While discussing the benefits of living in a small town, she joked, "Hey, ignorance is bliss! I'd rather not know about the crime rates in the city."

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