Another Word For Homeostasis

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Homeostasis is a biological term that refers to the process by which living organisms maintain a stable internal environment, despite changes in external conditions. This balance is crucial for the proper functioning of cells and systems within the body. Homeostasis involves various physiological mechanisms that regulate factors such as temperature, pH levels, hydration, and concentration of various substances to ensure optimal conditions for survival.




The word "homeostasis" comes from the Greek words "homeo," meaning "similar" or "alike," and "stasis," meaning "standing" or "stability." Together, they convey the idea of maintaining a constant state.


  1. The human body regulates its temperature through mechanisms that work to achieve homeostasis.
  2. Disruptions in homeostasis can lead to health issues, such as dehydration or hyperthermia.
  3. The concept of homeostasis is essential for understanding how organisms survive in fluctuating environments.
  4. Feedback systems play a critical role in maintaining homeostasis within biological systems.

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