Another Word For Fortitude
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The word "fortitude" refers to the strength of mind and courage that allows someone to endure pain, hardship, or adversity without giving up. It is the quality that helps individuals face challenges with resilience and bravery, showing determination even in difficult situations.
- Courage
- Bravery
- Strength
- Resilience
- Determination
- Endurance
- Tenacity
- Cowardice
- Fearfulness
- Weakness
- Timidity
- Fragility
The word "fortitude" comes from the Latin word "fortitudo," which means "strength." It is derived from "fortis," meaning "strong." The term has been used in English since the late Middle Ages.
- She showed incredible fortitude while recovering from her illness, refusing to let it define her.
- The soldier’s fortitude during the battle inspired his comrades and earned him a medal of honor.
- It takes great fortitude to speak up for what is right, especially when faced with opposition.
- His fortitude in the face of personal loss garnered the admiration of everyone around him.
- The athlete's fortitude allowed her to push through the pain and finish the race.