Another Word For Hallucinations

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Hallucinations refer to sensory experiences that appear real but are created by the mind. These can involve seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or feeling things that don't actually exist in the environment. Hallucinations often occur as a symptom of mental health conditions, substance abuse, or extreme physical fatigue, among other causes.




The word "hallucination" is derived from the Latin word "hallucinari," which means "to wander" or "to be in error." The word was adopted into English in the early 19th century.


  1. After staying awake for 48 hours, Sarah began to experience frightening hallucinations, believing she was being watched.
  2. The medication caused side effects that included visual hallucinations, making it difficult for the patient to distinguish between reality and illusion.
  3. During the psychological evaluation, the doctor asked about any past episodes of hallucinations or delusional thoughts.
  4. Hallucinations can be distressing for patients and often require appropriate treatment and support.
  5. The artist claimed that his best work was inspired by vivid hallucinations he experienced during his creative process.