Another Word For Defamation
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Defamation refers to the act of damaging someone's reputation by making false statements about them. This can occur through spoken words (slander) or written statements (libel). Defamation can lead to legal consequences if the affected person decides to take action against the person making the defamatory statements.
- Slander
- Libel
- Calumny
- Vilification
- Denigration
- Malicious Gossip
- Praise
- Honor
- Acclaim
- Commendation
- Esteem
The word "defamation" comes from the Latin "defamatio," which means "a slander, calumny." It is composed of "de-" (away, down, or from) and "fama," meaning "fame" or "reputation."
- He sued the newspaper for defamation after they published false allegations about his business practices.
- Spreading rumors about someone can lead to a case of defamation if the claims are proven to be false.
- Celebrities often face defamation lawsuits when false stories about their personal lives are circulated on social media.
- The lawyer explained that truth is a defense against defamation claims.
- Defamation can have severe impacts on an individual's personal and professional life.