Another Word For Appetite

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The word "appetite" refers to the natural desire to eat food. It is the sensation that often prompts an individual to seek out nourishment when they are hungry. Appetite can vary from person to person and can be influenced by various factors, including physical health, mood, and even the sight or smell of food.




The word "appetite" originates from the Latin word "appetitus," which means "a desire" or "a longing." This Latin term comes from the verb "appetere," meaning "to seek" or "to strive for."


  1. After skipping breakfast, I had a strong appetite for lunch.
  2. The delicious aroma of the baked cookies heightened her appetite.
  3. His appetite for adventure took him to many exotic locations.
  4. Stress can sometimes diminish a person's appetite, making it hard to eat.
  5. The doctor recommended a balanced diet to maintain a healthy appetite.

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