Another Word For 420

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The term '420' typically refers to cannabis culture and is associated with the consumption of marijuana. It is celebrated on April 20th (4/20), a day when enthusiasts often gather to smoke cannabis and celebrate its use. The origins of the term are somewhat obscure, but it has become a universal symbol among marijuana users.




The origin of '420' is often attributed to a group of high school students in California in the early 1970s who would meet at 4:20 PM to smoke marijuana. Over time, the number took on a more significant cultural meaning within the cannabis community.


  1. "On April 20th, many people celebrate 420 by attending rallies and festivals focused on marijuana legalization."
  2. "He enjoys the relaxed state that comes with smoking 420 in a social setting with friends."
  3. "The term 420 has been widely embraced by activists fighting for cannabis legalization across the globe."

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