Another Word For Unaware

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As an adjective, "unaware" describes someone who lacks knowledge, consciousness, or realization about something. It indicates a state of not noticing, understanding, or being informed about a particular situation or fact.




  1. She was unaware of the changes happening at her workplace until it was too late.
  2. The hikers were unaware of the storm approaching them in the mountains.
  3. He walked through the busy streets, completely unaware of the commotion around him.
  4. It is important to stay informed, so you are not unaware of potential dangers.



As an adverb, "unaware" means without knowledge or consciousness. It describes an action performed or a state experienced without realization or intention.




  1. He unaware stepped on his cat's tail, causing it to yelp.
  2. The children wandered unaware into the restricted area of the museum.
  3. She unaware revealed the surprise party plans to the guest of honor.
  4. The spy unaware gave away his identity through a small gesture.


The adjective "unaware" is composed of the prefix "un-", meaning "not," and the word "aware," which comes from the Old English "awær", meaning "vigilant, attentive." The combination gives it the meaning of not being vigilant or attentive.

Usage Notes

Both the adjective and adverb forms of "unaware" are commonly used in everyday language to describe situations where someone lacks knowledge or consciousness about something. The adjective form is more frequently used, often followed by "of" (e.g., "unaware of the consequences"). The adverbial form is less common but can add nuance to descriptions of actions performed without knowledge or intention.