Another Word For Title

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The word "title" refers to the name of a book, article, or other work that usually indicates its subject or main idea. It can also mean the official designation of a person, such as "Dr." or "Mr.", or the legal right to own property or a claim to a certain status or position.




The word "title" originates from the Latin word "titulus," which means "inscription" or "label." It entered Middle English through Old French "title," maintaining a similar meaning throughout its history.


  1. The title of her latest novel is "Whispers in the Wind."
  2. Each chapter of the book has a descriptive title that gives insight into its content.
  3. He holds the title of CEO in the company, which comes with significant responsibilities.
  4. The title deed is an important legal document for proving ownership of property.
  5. She received the title of "Best Teacher of the Year" for her exceptional dedication to students.

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