Another Word For Taste

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The word "taste" refers to the sense that allows us to perceive flavors when we consume food and drink. It is primarily associated with the sensations of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. Additionally, "taste" can also refer to an individual's preference or inclination towards certain flavors, styles, or aesthetics in various contexts, such as food, art, or fashion.




The word "taste" originates from the Middle English "tasten," which came from the Old French "taster," meaning to touch or feel. This, in turn, is derived from the Latin "taxare," meaning to touch or estimate.


  1. I enjoy the taste of freshly baked bread, especially when it’s warm.
  2. The chef has an incredible taste for combining unique flavors in her dishes.
  3. It's important to have a good taste in music to appreciate different genres.
  4. The wine's complex taste included notes of berry and oak.
  5. My sense of taste was slightly affected when I had a cold, making everything seem bland.

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