Another Word For Sporadic

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The word "sporadic" refers to something that occurs irregularly or at intervals, rather than consistently or continuously. It describes events or situations that happen occasionally and are not systematic or predictable.




The word "sporadic" comes from the Greek word "sporadikos," which means "scattered" or "sown." This is derived from "sporos," meaning "seed." It was adopted into English in the mid-19th century.


  1. The rain was sporadic throughout the day, making it difficult to plan outdoor activities.
  2. The concert series saw sporadic attendance, with some events drawing large crowds and others only a few guests.
  3. His sporadic attempts to exercise led to little improvement in his fitness level.
  4. The company experienced sporadic growth over the last few years, with major expansions happening only occasionally.
  5. She received sporadic news from her friend who was traveling abroad, making each update feel special.