Another Word For Scorn
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The word "scorn" refers to the feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable. When you scorn something, you express disdain and contempt for it; you look down upon it as if it is inferior or unworthy of respect. This can manifest in both attitudes and actions, such as mocking or ridiculing someone.
- Contempt
- Disdain
- Derision
- Disrespect
- Sneer
- Respect
- Admiration
- Esteem
- Approval
- Honor
The word "scorn" comes from the Old French word "escarne," which means mockery or scorn, derived from the Latin "excarniāre," meaning to strip of flesh or to make bare. The term has evolved over time to represent a more abstract sense of disdain or contempt.
- She looked at the poorly made product with scorn, wondering how anyone could sell such a thing.
- His scorn for those who did not share his views was evident in the way he dismissed their opinions.
- The critic's scornful remarks about the artist's work sparked a heated debate among the attendees.
- It's unkind to scorn someone just because they have different beliefs or values.
- His scorn was palpable during the meeting when he laughed at the proposals presented by his colleagues.