Another Word For Scabbard

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A "scabbard" is a protective covering or sheath designed to hold and safeguard a sword or a knife when it is not in use. It is typically made of materials such as leather, metal, or wood, and serves both practical and decorative purposes, often reflecting the craftsmanship of the weapon it houses.




The word "scabbard" originates from the Middle English term "scabbard," which derives from the Old French "escarbe" or "escharpe", and from the Late Latin "scabardus," itself from the Latin "scabere," meaning "to scratch." This evolution of the term reflects its association with the protection of blades.


  1. The knight carefully drew his sword from the scabbard, ready for battle.
  2. After the duel, he replaced his sword into its scabbard and walked away.
  3. The ornate scabbard was adorned with intricate carvings, showcasing the skill of the blacksmith.
  4. It is important to keep the scabbard clean and well-maintained to protect the blade from rust.

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