Another Word For Sayonara

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The word "sayonara" is a Japanese term that means "goodbye." It is often used when parting from someone and conveys a sense of finality. Unlike a casual farewell, "sayonara" can carry an emotional weight, suggesting that the parting may be long-term or significant.




The word "sayonara" (さよなら) originates from the Japanese language, where it is a compound of "sayo," which relates to the night or evening, and "nara," which means "if it is." The phrase can be loosely interpreted as “if it is to be the evening.”


  1. As she boarded the plane, she waved and said, "Sayonara!" to her friends.
  2. After a long conversation, he sighed and said, "Well, sayonara for now."
  3. The students gathered together and exchanged sayonara before the summer break.
  4. It's always hard to say sayonara when you’ve shared so many memories with friends.

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