Another Word For Sacrifice

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The word 'sacrifice' refers to the act of giving up something valuable or important for the sake of something else. This could involve offering something to a deity or a higher purpose, or it might simply mean forgoing a personal gain for the benefit of others. In everyday life, sacrifices can often be seen in relationships, work, and personal ambitions, where individuals choose to prioritize the needs of others or a greater goal over their own desires.




The word 'sacrifice' comes from the Latin word 'sacrificium', which is a combination of 'sacer', meaning 'sacred', and 'facere', meaning 'to make' or 'to do'. This reflects the ancient practice of offering something sacred to a deity or in religious ceremonies.


  1. She made a significant sacrifice by leaving her job to care for her elderly parents.
  2. The soldiers were honored for their sacrifices made in the service of their country.
  3. He decided to sacrifice his free time to help his friend complete a challenging project.
  4. To achieve her goals, she was willing to sacrifice certain comforts in her life.
  5. The coach emphasized that sometimes, individual sacrifice is necessary for the success of the team.

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