Another Word For Routine

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The word "routine" refers to a regular or habitual way of doing things. It often describes a set of tasks that are performed in a specific order or manner, usually on a daily or weekly basis. Routines can apply to various aspects of life, including work, exercise, and personal care. They can help structure our day and create a sense of stability.




The word "routine" comes from the French word "routine," which means "a regular course of action." The origin can be traced further back to the Latin word "ruptina," meaning "a breaking." This reflects the idea of a repeated series of actions or events that form a standard practice.


  1. Every morning, I follow my routine: I wake up, brush my teeth, and go for a run.
  2. The teacher established a new classroom routine to enhance productivity.
  3. Having a nighttime routine helps me unwind and prepare for sleep.
  4. It’s important to break from your routine occasionally to stay mentally fresh.
  5. Students often benefit from establishing a study routine before exams.

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