Another Word For Requiem

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The word 'requiem' generally refers to a mass or a musical composition conducted in honor of the deceased, often performed in a religious context. It symbolizes a moment of reflection and mourning for those who have passed away. In a broader sense, 'requiem' can also denote any act of remembrance or tribute to someone who has died.




The term 'requiem' originates from the Latin word requiem, meaning "rest" or "repose." It is derived from the phrase Requiem aeternam, which translates to "eternal rest" and is commonly used in the context of prayers for the souls of the deceased.


  1. The choir will perform a requiem in memory of the fallen soldiers during the memorial service.
  2. After his passing, his family held a requiem to honor his life and contributions to the community.
  3. The composer is widely known for his beautiful requiem that captures the sorrow and beauty of loss.
  4. She wrote a poem that served as a requiem for her beloved pet, capturing the deep grief she felt.

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