Another Word For Remit

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The word "remit" can have several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. One common meaning is to send money, often as payment for services or debts. Additionally, "remit" can refer to the act of canceling or refraining from exacting a debt or punishment. In a broader sense, it can also mean to refer a matter to someone for consideration or to delegate authority for action.




The word "remit" originates from the Latin word "remittere," which means "to send back." It is formed from the prefix "re-" meaning "back" and "mittere," meaning "to send."


  1. Please remit the payment for your invoice by the end of the month.
  2. The bank will remit funds to your account within three business days.
  3. After reviewing the case, the judge decided to remit the fine due to the defendant's circumstances.
  4. The committee will remit the proposal to the board for further consideration.

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