Another Word For Reimburse

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The word "reimburse" means to pay back or compensate someone for money they have spent or for a loss they have incurred. When you reimburse someone, you are returning funds to them, often after they have initially paid for something on behalf of someone else.




The word "reimburse" comes from the French "reimbourser," which is a combination of the prefix "re-" meaning "again," and "bourser," meaning "to put in a purse or wallet." This indicates the action of putting money back into someone's wallet.


  1. After the business trip, I submitted my receipts to my manager in order to be reimbursed for the expenses.
  2. The company will reimburse employees for any travel costs incurred during official duties.
  3. If you pay for the tickets, I promise to reimburse you later.
  4. She was eager to reimburse her friend for the money spent on dinner.
  5. The insurance policy will reimburse you for medical expenses incurred after the accident.

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