Another Word For Recitation

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Recitation refers to the act of repeating or reciting something from memory, often in a formal or public context. It can involve delivering a poem, speech, or text aloud, usually as a way of sharing knowledge, performance, or artistic expression. In academic settings, recitation can also refer to verbal repetition of learned material, such as when students orally present parts of a text they have studied.




The word "recitation" comes from the Latin "recitatio," which means "a reading aloud," derived from "recitare," meaning "to read out" or "to recite." The roots "re-" meaning "again" and "citare" meaning "to summon" or "to call" reflect the action of calling back or repeating aloud.


  1. The students prepared for their poetry recitation by practicing their verses multiple times.
  2. During the class, the teacher asked for a recitation of the key points from the previous lesson.
  3. She delivered a moving recitation of her favorite poem at the school assembly.
  4. The competition required each participant to perform a recitation of a classic literary work.
  5. After weeks of practice, he felt confident in his recitation of the Shakespearean sonnet.