Another Word For Rash

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The word "rash" can refer to two primary meanings. First, it is an adjective that describes a behavior that is made quickly and without careful thought, often leading to negative outcomes, such as taking a rash decision. Second, it can be a noun that refers to a sudden outbreak of red spots or irritation on the skin, often caused by an allergic reaction or illness.




The word "rash" originates from the Middle English term "rasche," which meant "hasty" or "quick." It comes from the Old Norse word "ræskr," which means "quick" or "eager." Over time, it evolved further to encompass both the impulsive behavior and the dermatological condition.


  1. It was a rash decision to invest all his savings in an untested startup without doing any research.
  2. After the picnic, she developed a rash on her arms, likely from an allergic reaction to the plants.
  3. He realized that his rash actions during the meeting had upset several of his colleagues.
  4. The doctor examined the child’s rash and concluded it was a harmless reaction to a new soap.