Another Word For Rapidly
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The word you are likely referring to is "rapidly." It means to do something very quickly or at a fast pace. When something happens rapidly, it occurs in a short amount of time or with great speed.
- Quickly
- Swiftly
- Speedily
- Hastily
- Briskly
- Slowly
- Leisurely
- Gradually
- Sluggishly
- Deliberately
The word "rapidly" comes from the Latin word "rapidus," which means "seizing," "sweeping," or "hastening." The root "rape" in Latin means "to take by force," indicating a sense of quickness or swiftness.
- The river flowed rapidly after the heavy rains.
- He completed his homework rapidly to have more time for video games.
- Technology is advancing rapidly, changing the way we live and work.
- The fire spread rapidly through the dry forest, causing extensive damage.
- She spoke so rapidly that I could hardly understand her.