Another Word For Puberty

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Puberty is a stage in human development, usually occurring during the teenage years, when a person undergoes physical changes that lead to sexual maturity. This period is marked by the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as the growth of breasts in girls and the deepening of voices in boys. Hormonal changes also occur, leading to growth spurts and changes in body composition.




The word "puberty" derives from the Latin word "pubertas," which means "adulthood" or "maturity." The root "puber," meaning "grown up," is related to the term and marks the transition from childhood to adult status.


  1. During puberty, many teenagers experience rapid changes in their bodies and emotions.
  2. The onset of puberty can vary significantly from one individual to another.
  3. Schools often provide education on the topic of puberty to help students understand the changes they will go through.

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