Another Word For Provoke

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The word "provoke" means to stimulate or incite a reaction or emotion in someone, often leading to anger, irritation, or strong feelings. It can also refer to causing an action or event to happen, especially in ways that may lead to conflict or confrontation.




The word "provoke" comes from the Latin word "provocare," which means "to call forth." It is composed of the prefix "pro-" meaning "forth," and "vocare," meaning "to call."


  1. The teacher's comments were meant to provoke thought among her students.
  2. He didn't mean to provoke an argument, but his remarks upset his friend.
  3. The new policy was designed to provoke discussions about environmental issues.
  4. Some actions may provoke stronger reactions than others depending on the context.
  5. It’s important to think before you speak, as your words can provoke unintended consequences.

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