Another Word For Proficient

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The word "proficient" refers to someone who is skilled and competent in a particular area or activity. When someone is proficient, they have a high level of knowledge or ability and can perform tasks effectively and efficiently.




The word "proficient" comes from the Latin word "proficientem," which is the present participle of "proficere," meaning "to advance" or "to make progress." The term entered Middle English in the 14th century, retaining the sense of advancing in skill.


  1. She is proficient in multiple languages and can translate documents with ease.
  2. After years of practice, he became proficient at playing the guitar.
  3. The workshop aims to help participants become proficient in computer programming.
  4. Proficient producers are essential for a successful film project.
  5. His proficient handling of the project impressed his managers.

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