Another Word For Proficiency

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Proficiency refers to the level of skill, competence, or expertise that someone has in a particular area or subject. It indicates how well a person can perform tasks or demonstrate knowledge related to that area.




The word 'proficiency' comes from the Latin word "proficientia," which means "advanced, capable." It is derived from the verb "proficere," meaning "to make progress," which combines "pro-" (forward) and "facere" (to do or make).


  1. Her proficiency in multiple languages makes her an excellent candidate for the diplomatic position.
  2. The artist's proficiency in painting allows her to create breathtaking landscapes.
  3. In order to pass the course, you need to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in mathematics.
  4. The company's training program aims to improve the proficiency of its employees in customer service skills.

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