Another Word For Probation

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Probation refers to a period during which a new employee or a person under supervision is assessed to determine their ability to meet the required standards of performance or conduct. This concept is often used in employment settings, educational institutions, or in the context of criminal justice, where an individual may be allowed to remain in the community under certain conditions instead of serving a sentence in prison.




The word "probation" comes from the Latin word "probatio," which means "proving." The root "probare" means "to test or prove." The term has evolved over time to refer to the act of testing or evaluating someone’s abilities or conduct.


  1. After completing her degree, she started a six-month probation at the hospital to demonstrate her skills as a nurse.
  2. The judge sentenced him to three years of probation instead of prison time, allowing him to live at home under supervision.
  3. Employees on probation are typically evaluated after 90 days to see if they will be offered a permanent position.
  4. During his probation period, he was required to meet with a supervisor every week to discuss his progress.

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