Another Word For Preparation

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Preparation refers to the process of getting ready or being made ready for a particular event, activity, or situation. It involves planning, organizing, and gathering the necessary materials or skills to ensure that the task or event can be executed smoothly and effectively.




The word "preparation" comes from the Latin word "preparatio," which means "a making ready." It is derived from "preparare," where "prae-" means "before" and "parare" means "to make ready."


  1. The team spent several weeks in preparation for the upcoming presentation.
  2. Proper preparation is key to achieving success in any examination.
  3. She made extensive preparations for her wedding day to ensure everything went smoothly.
  4. The preparation for the trip involved booking flights, arranging accommodations, and packing.
  5. We will begin our preparation for the project as soon as we receive the necessary funding.