The word "poa" could be a typo. If it is meant to refer to "poa" (which is a genus of grasses in the family Poaceae) or possibly "p.o.a." (which can refer to "Power of Attorney" in legal terms), I will explain both in a simple manner.
Poa (Genus): Poa is a term often used in botanical contexts, referring to a collection of grass species commonly found in temperate regions. These grasses can be used for lawns, pastures, and turf.
P.O.A. (Power of Attorney): This abbreviation refers to a legal document that gives one person the authority to act on behalf of another person in legal or financial matters.
For P.O.A. (Power of Attorney):
None (as it's a specific genus negative terms are not generally applicable)
For P.O.A. (Power of Attorney):