Another Word For Peer pressure

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Peer pressure refers to the social influence exerted by peers or individuals within a similar age group, often resulting in the encouragement or urging to conform to certain behaviors, attitudes, or values. It can lead people, especially teenagers, to engage in activities they might not otherwise choose, driven by the desire to fit in or be accepted by their peer group.




The term "peer pressure" combines "peer," originating from the Old French word "per," meaning companion or equal, and "pressure," which is derived from the Latin word "pressura," meaning a pressing or a weight.


  1. Many teenagers feel the burden of peer pressure when deciding whether to try smoking or drinking alcohol.
  2. Positive peer pressure can encourage students to study harder and achieve better grades.
  3. Sarah overcame peer pressure and chose to pursue her own interests, rather than following what her friends did.
  4. Peer pressure can have both negative and positive effects on an individual's choices and actions.