Another Word For Owner

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The word "owner" refers to a person who possesses or has the legal rights to something, such as property, a business, or an item. An owner is someone who has control over an asset and can make decisions regarding its use and management.




The term "owner" comes from the Middle English word "owen," which is derived from the Old English "āgen," meaning "possessed." This is further rooted in the Proto-Germanic "*aigan," which means "to have or own."


  1. The owner of the cafe decided to expand the menu to attract more customers.
  2. As the property owner, she is responsible for maintaining the building.
  3. He couldn't believe he was finally the owner of his dream car.
  4. The business owner put a lot of effort into creating a positive work environment for employees.
  5. Being a co-owner of the company gave him insight into the company’s operations.