Another Word For Openness

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The word "openness" refers to the quality of being open, honest, and transparent in communication, attitudes, or interactions. It can also imply a willingness to consider new ideas, experiences, or viewpoints without prejudice. In a broader sense, it can describe a state of being accessible or free from concealment or restriction.




The word "openness" is derived from the adjective "open," which comes from the Old English "âpen," meaning "not closed" or "to allow passage." The suffix "-ness" is used to form nouns indicating a state or condition, thus "openness" signifies the state of being open.


  1. The team's openness to feedback helped them improve their project significantly.
  2. In order to foster trust, the leader encouraged an environment of openness among the staff.
  3. Her openness about her feelings made it easier for others to relate to her.
  4. The organization promotes openness as a core value, which cultivates innovation and collaboration.