Another Word For Obligated

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The word "obligated" refers to being required to do something, often due to a law, rule, or a moral responsibility. When someone is obligated, they feel they must take a specific action or behave in a certain way because of external pressures or commitments.




The word "obligated" originates from the Latin word "obligare," which combines "ob-" (meaning "to" or "toward") and "ligare" (meaning "to tie or bind"). Over time, it evolved in English to mean to bind oneself to a course of action.


  1. After receiving the scholarship, she felt obligated to maintain a high GPA.
  2. Employees are obligated to follow the company’s code of conduct.
  3. He was obligated to attend the meeting due to his role in the project.
  4. Many people feel obligated to help their friends in times of need.
  5. She wasn't legally obligated to return the item, but she did so out of respect.